Terrorism and the Social Media
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
The dire consequences which lie ahead can now be seen by everyone. No longer does Satan try to hide his works because it serves his goals that what he is doing now should be seen. The growth of terrorism and the constant videos of their cruelty are meant to strike fear and to raise the level of security, so more money is spent to safeguard the population.
All of this converges into a powerful central force. The evil forces that for so long operated on the fringe, have become mainstream, their names known by all and on every tongue.
What will be Satan’s next steps? He will use the very responses of the leaders who try to stamp out his fires to spread them even further. The recruiting will intensify. The radicalization will deepen. All will be drawn into his fires, on one side or the other.
Populations who seemed far away from his conflagration will suddenly see themselves on the edge. People who felt they did not need to make a choice, will suddenly be confronted by terrorism at their front door.
This spreads quickly because Satan so cleverly uses the social media of communications. The names of his terrorists are spread to the ends of the earth, like a new gospel of destruction. Once that word goes forth, he touches some hearts everywhere. Then, he just waits for the right moment to recruit. The seeds of this new harvest are planted everywhere. No place is exempt.
All will intensify. Radical Islam on every side, guided by the demonic intelligence. It would be bad enough if this were the only problem, but Europe is weak and divided, with its economies burdened by debts, its religious faith long ago abandoned, and the Ukraine being dismembered. All of these pressures will multiply and the future of Europe will be in the balance.
Such is my plea, the plea of the virgin mother of Jesus. “O Europe, accept me again. Claim me once more as ‘Our Lady’. I will embrace you and save you from the fires.”
Comment: Our Lady describes clearly the future of terrorism.
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