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Strangling the Breath of Faith

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Holes will open up; even some gigantic holes will appear in society. Some have already appeared. People felt that the walls of protection were strong and that the fibers of society were tightly woven together, but so much is frayed, so much worn away, so much left unattended for so long. The human spirit has not been nourished. What holds together a society?

People will say “the great institutions, the Constitution, the laws, the political offices”. They will point to all those things outside of themselves. Yet, what brought them into existence? What breathed life into this nation? How was it born? What kept it vital? It was the human spirit, fed and nourished by faith. This nation was built upon faith in God. Faith was the breath that breathed life into America. Now, that breath is gasping for life. It is being deliberately choked to death by those who would remove religion from American life. And the death of faith is being witnessed by those who cannot grasp the role of faith in breathing life into the institutions.

Life of Faith

The life of America is the life of faith. It is your churches that breathe life into you. The churches give you citizens who are ready to serve. The churches give you families committed to goodness. Why are you killing the Churches? Why? Why are they falsely portrayed? Why are they slandered? You have taken up another agenda. You have taken up the rights of women to kill their unborn. You have taken up the rights of those who want to change the nature of marriage.

You have taken up the rights of so many and you have set aside the rights of God. When the churches raise their voices to challenge your agenda, when the churches speak about right and wrong, you say, “Let us kill the churches. Let us silence their voices. Let us call them radical. Let us diminish the churches”.

Need I say more? And your young stay away. They see the churches as you depict them. You are strangling the faith that breathes life into your institutions.

Comment: As America marginalizes the Churches, the important gifts of the Churches to America are destroyed.

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