Stars in the Darkest Night
Tuesday, January 06, 2015
I want you to see and to understand. When the events take place, people will react. One darkness will lead to another. Human decisions will cause greater darkness and suffering. When events take place, they affect everyone, the good and the bad, those who caused the events and the innocent ones. Everyone’s life is changed.
What can I do? I can give light. I can give the words of a mother. My children will see. They will understand. First, they will know that I have spoken ahead of time. They have already experienced my words. They have hungered and looked forward to my words. Their hearts are already open and they have already learned how to receive.
I will not hold back my words, and with the words come my greatest helps. My words will have a strange power. They will pierce the heart. I will bring my words to their minds again and again. My children will cling to my words. They will look to my words as stars in the darkest night. They will be like Columbus of years ago who made his way across the ocean by the light of the stars. Such will be my words in the darkness.
Comment: Those who read these locutions have come to love them. How important the words will be during the events.
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