Seeking a Home
Monday, March 19, 2012
I open up to you the human heart. How complex it is! Even the person is not aware of what goes on in his own heart. It is known only to Jesus who understood well what was in the hearts of men. Even when he was acclaimed he did not give himself to their hearts, knowing that human hearts are so easily able to change.
O reader, there is great darkness in your heart and only on the surface is there some light. If you would allow me, I would place light deeper into your heart. I would reclaim many parts of your heart for the light. That is how you become a child of light, about which I always speak. So, let me begin.
The Inner Civil War
Light is truth. In truth, the person sees things as they really are. So, for a moment, let me cast the light of truth upon your heart. What do you honestly see there? Only you are privy to your inner desires. Only you know the attractions of your heart. Within your heart are two sets of desires and these cause a civil war within you. Some desires rise up to heaven wanting to love God. Other desires seek earth and want to cling to all that is selfish. When the heavenly desires lift up your heart, you experience a human freedom and a divine peace. When earthly desires burden your heart, you feel overwhelmed and discouraged, lost and far distant from your Creator.
This is the plight of man and reason for all of his problems. Because he is made for God, his heart searches and searches. He knows that earth is not his home. He is in exile. He has in his heart memories that he cannot reconcile to his present existence. Memories of another existence, memories of life with God.
A Picture of Heaven
How can this be? How can man remember a previous existence? I am only using this as an image. Every person was created by God at the moment of their conception but God existed forever. The Loving Father placed into everyone’s heart a picture. When a child is born, the parents have a home and a room all prepared. Only as the child grows does he see and appreciate this home provided for him. So, God prepared a heavenly home and he places into everyone’s heart a picture of that heavenly home and a powerful desire to return to that heavenly home and to the heavenly Father from whose hands every person came forth. This is the greatest mystery of the human heart. It desires a home which it has never experienced and will never be content until it regains that home.
Comment: Mary describes the deepest human searching – caused by the way God has made the human heart.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024