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Searching for the Children

Friday, May 18, 2012


I come looking and searching for my children. They are lost and cannot easily be found. I know where they are and I can come to them but their eyes are so blinded and their hearts are so entangled, that even my closest presence does not awaken them.

I speak to them but they cannot hear. They are deaf to the words from heaven. This is my dilemma and I must act quickly. The time of trial is so close at hand. They are asleep in the garden and will soon run away at the slightest show of force.

False Interpretations

In my desperation, I will take extraordinary means. Some will see my hand in the coming economic collapse. Do not interpret it that way. The collapse comes from the hands of men and the intellect of Satan. Some will see my hand in the wars which will break out, but the wars come from greed and anger.

My children do not look for my hand in all the evils that befall mankind. These evils are the products of sin. The Heavenly Father permits them only to remove the fuel for greater sins.

Study the Cross

The world is entering into a period of the greatest mystery of evil since my Son was nailed to a cross. Study the cross. Only the cross can unlock the mystery of evil so that you understand. What must you understand? That powers of evil are rampant and they must be resisted. Look at the cross. Learn its lesson. Evil always, always tries to destroy the good. Now, see your foolishness in cooperating with evil. That is called sin.

I search for my children but they cannot hear me. What can I do? If I help them to repent of their sins, their eyes will open and they will see me at their side. Repentance is my extraordinary means.

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