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Room in the Ark for Everyone

Saturday, September 03, 2011


I will open my heart wide and allow all the streams to pour forth from the heart of a mother.

Yes, I am the mother, the mother of God and the mother of the Church. However, for so many, I cannot act as a mother because they do not know me and those who do know me do not come to me.

So, on this first Saturday, I open up my whole heart. I share all my treasures, so I can truly be mother to all.

Some of my children are close to my heart. How I treasure them and protect them. I keep them safe from the Evil One and he cannot harm them. Now, I call out to all my other children.

There are many empty spaces close to my heart. There is a place for you. I, personally, am inviting you to take the place I have for you. It is yours. I have reserved it for you. There, you will be freed from all you anxieties. You will find a place of refuge and, especially, you will no longer be alone. You will realize, “My mother is with me. I cannot fail.”

Accomplishing Great Works

I will go before you in all of your enterprises. I will keep your enemies far away and unable to hurt you. I will teach you how to love and to build up your family relationships. I will send you on great missions, to accomplish great works for my Son, Jesus. I will make you stouthearted. Others will find in your heart what you find in mine. This is my plan. Many will see in you what you see in me and all will be drawn into my heart.

I always speak of my heart. It alone is the Ark of the New Covenant, established by the heavenly Father when he placed his Son in my womb. He knew what he was creating, not just a place for his Son but a place for all the world.

Let this word go forth. I am the Ark of the New Covenant and all are welcome. Within this Ark, all are safe (like Noah and his family). Outside of the Ark, all will perish. For in the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking, buying and selling. Does that not sound familiar! You know what happened next and you saw their foolishness. The floods will come but the world need not perish. My Ark has room for everyone. Come. Come. My motherly heart does not want you to perish.

Comment: We do not know what is ahead but Mary says there will be a flood and we must be in the ark.

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