Resolutions and Anger
Friday, December 07, 2012
All the earth is troubled with stirrings that have never happened before. In different places, there are outbreaks of revolutions, followed by suppressions. In other places, there is the storing up of unneeded weapons, obviously to be used against a perceived enemy. These are signs obvious to all.
Beneath the surface, hidden in the hearts of so many are the fires of anger and rage. These boil over, are suppressed and then become hidden again, only to wait for a more opportune moment when the enemy is weaker.
These are the more obvious signs that peace is like a faraway dream. Today, who even thinks of peace when war is everywhere? The forces of war are like the waves of the ocean. Who even thinks that these waves could ever grow calm?
We have not yet reached the true depth of the wickedness of man. These forces are still in the ascendency, new anger, new events, new memories, new reasons to take revenge. Bridges of peace are burned. People can never return to the former ways of peace and reconciliation.
Mankind marches along a read of violence and destruction. He thinks of nothing else. He wants the grievances of years and centuries to be settled quickly, according to his own design and by his own power.
These are the forces that grow every day in the Middle East and will continue to grow. Violence is the only road that anyone sees as a solution. Supposedly peace will come only when the enemy is wiped away. Is not my description true?
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024