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Repeating the Gift of the Immaculate Conception

Thursday, October 09, 2014


My protecting hand will be upon everyone who is sealed with my Immaculate Conception. The Father plunged me into the Holy Spirit before he sent me into my mother’s womb. This seal prevented the Evil One from gaining any control over me. This immaculate seal exercised a constant power over me, touching my body, my senses and all the faculties of my soul. The daily events and decisions had a much different effect upon me. Let me explain.

I experienced life on earth like anyone else, the normal growth of my body, the cares, the sorrows and the daily joys. However, everything within me was perfect because I had been conceived without sin. Darkness, disorders, fears, unjust anger, moods and so many other inner turmoils that plagued everyone else, had no power over me. I was sealed with the Immaculate Conception. All know that I deeply loved Jesus and saw him nailed to a cross, a suffering which I experienced daily because Simeon had prophesied that my own heart would be pierced with a sword. Although not spared these sorrows, because of the immaculate seal I was able to persevere because I enjoyed an unbelievable inner peace.

This is my gift to the whole world. The events will come. They will affect the good and the bad. (These are events that need not have happened if only my words were obeyed) because mankind has made its decisions. However, those sealed with my Immaculate Conception will share fully in the inner peace and, more important, in my perseverance to the end.

Let me repeat. “In these trials, I will never, never abandon my children. That is why I am revealing these secrets kept hidden until now. I will pour out the powers of my Immaculate Conception. I will seal the whole world (if it believes and so desires). In this way, I will defeat the Evil One just as the heavenly Father did when he plunged me into the Holy Spirit.” The gift is meant to be repeated according to the capacity of each person.

Comment: Our Lady reveals a great mystery, our own sharing in her Immaculate Conception.

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