Removing the Blindness of Secularism
Friday, January 30, 2015
America, you must open your hearts to religious faith. Instead, you close the doors and even the windows. Time moves quickly and I cannot allow you to reach the point of being totally walled in, like Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman army. Otherwise, nothing will be left of you, not one stone upon another. All your walls will crumble and your city devastated.
Every day, this light of secularism grows, destroying all the harvest of faith. For your children, faith belongs to an earlier generation. You have so successfully inoculated them that faith cannot enter their bloodstream nor have any effect on their decisions.
Such is America 2015. You do not even know what a perilous state you are in. In 1929, came your stock market collapse and the decade of the depression. However, your people had faith and the family structure was strong. America was tested in the economic furnace and came forth purified and strong.
What faith will you have at the coming economic collapse? Where is the strength of your family structure? You have only government programs that themselves are in debt. Let my words strip you naked. In these events, your secular clothes will fall like tattered rags that can no longer cover the poverty of your faith.
Yet, some flames of faith burn brightly, guarded against the secular ice age by the family and the churches. They are relegated, for now, to the sidelines. Their voices stilled and quieted, removed from the marketplace and given a hearing only in the sacred assembly.
What will happen to the secular person when life is changed by the future events? Although many will go into darkness and despair, some will hear my voice and regain their faith. How many? I must awaken the churches to prepare by prayer and fasting. The future events will offer you new opportunities. The scales of secularism will fall from the eyes of many.
Comment: Secularism flourishes when times are good but has no answers in times of trial. Only faith can help people to survive and move on.
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