Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Monday, June 04, 2012
As I begin to put my people in places of authority, a new era of justice will begin. This will replace the present confusion. Too many things are allowed to take place in the name of freedom of expression and freedom of thought. Truth exists. The purpose of freedom of thought is to arrive at truth. On truth, a solid foundation can be built, and only there.
Otherwise, man makes up his own truths, creating them from his own heart, according to his own desires. These, so-called truths, are bent and shaped according to the whims of the human heart. These are personal desires, not objective truths. The human heart becomes its own guide and, foolishly, leads itself astray.
So many forces of confusion fill the air. People do not know the direction of truth. They wander like sheep without a shepherd. So, I must guide them by my words.
First, listen to the Church. She speaks of right and wrong in very clear words. For many people, the words are too clear and they do not want to hear. Do not join their numbers because they are rejecting the light established by my Son.
Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church. There you will find the clear and simple teaching. No one can claim that these words are not available. Go to the internet. Download them, if you wish. They will enlighten your eyes to the truths and these will be written in your heart.
Comment: Truth dispels confusion. A sincere heart seeks truth. Mary stresses the Catechism as a sure source of this truth.
See these websites for the Official Catechism of the Catholic Church (1997):
First Source:
Second Source:
Third Source (Simplified):
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