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Preparing for Pentecost

Sunday, June 01, 2014


I was with God from the beginning of his ways, always in his thoughts as the Mother of his divine Son. After the Evil One claimed his victory over Adam, God thought of me, “I will put an enmity between you and the Woman, between your offspring and hers.” (Gen.3:15)

This plan was hidden in the Trinity, known to them alone. Yet, human history proceeded along its way. The great moments of evil were erased in the Flood, and then God gave the covenant to Noah and later to Abraham.

This covenant was just a shadow of the reality that would come forth in the fullness of time and the new covenant, the permanent relationship of God with man.

From the very beginning, the Father said to me, “Protect this new covenant for I have placed it in the hands of men tainted by original sin”. So, I was with the apostles in the Upper Room preparing them for Pentecost. Even then, I was the Mother of the Church and they were my children. I knew the Holy Spirit. He was already my spouse and I told them all they could understand about his secrets. I prepared them for Pentecost.

Comment: Our Lady prepares us for her self-revelation.

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