Powerful Forces Tear Apart the Fabric of Society
Friday, October 26, 2012
Now, powerful forces tear apart the fabric of society because man no longer shares a common religious faith. When the idea of God is shattered, what can unite man? How can people see themselves as brothers and sisters when they have no common father? This is the great need, for all to regain the shared belief in God as their Father.
Look at any family. When the father is strong, the family has a clear identity. His permeating presence unites them, especially if he loves them with all his heart. The human family has the same need for God the loving Father. Nothing else will join mankind.
The human heart clamors for oneness. All of its hopes and desires are for unity but these desires are constantly frustrated by the power of sin. Spouses yearn for oneness but their selfishness builds walls. Peoples yearn for oneness but selfish interests cause conflicts. Leaders arise with great talents and people say “This is the one who will unite us”. O foolish people. Your desires for oneness are far deeper than you ever suspect and no human person can even fulfill these hopes.
Your desires came from heaven and can only be fulfilled by heaven. If you seek oneness, they seek it in heavenly things. You ask, “How can I seek this alone? You cannot do so. You must seek it with others. Start now along this path. Begin with just one other person. Unite your hearts and seek each day the Father’s witness on your union. What is accomplished in this way will not pass away.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024