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Pouring Out the Great Gifts

Thursday, October 30, 2014


There are too many delays. Too much time passes. The great gifts are meant to flow out of my heart and into the hearts of all who believe. Instead, believers are caught up in other pursuits. They do not judge correctly. They do not see the coming collapse, when so much of what they now seek and hope for will be taken away from them.

Never have Jesus’ words been more important. “Do not seek what passes away. Lay up treasure in heaven.” The world you see will pass away so quickly. What existed will suddenly no longer exist. What stood so firm will stand no more.

This is not the time for buying and selling but for receiving the great gifts from above. These are stored deeply in my heart and are readily available. If I spoke of great penances or of long labor, I would understand your hesitancy. But I speak of gifts, of receiving, of being filled and blessed. I speak of the important gifts that you will need so badly. I will list them.

I will give to all the gifts of prayer, a constant attraction to come into my presence and to withdraw from the powers of the senses in order to enjoy the riches of the kingdom. I will give you love for your family and forgiveness towards those who have hurt you. I will give you great hope. You will enjoy holy desires to accomplish everything. I will give you friends who will accompany you in the difficult times that lie ahead.

Finally, I will give you my presence, an experience that I am with you at all times and that you enjoy my special protection. These are the important gifts. Do not search for any others. If you empty your heart, I will gladly fill it to the brim. Do not wait. The time is very short. Receive these gifts today.

Comment: What an invitation! Who should not want to receive heavenly gifts?

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