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Pope Francis – Preparing the Way

Sunday, March 29, 2015


What is hidden must come to the surface. All must be revealed before it is too late. Otherwise, the evil in man’s heart will pour out upon the whole world and completely destroy its beauty. Unless I revealed the deep truths and mysteries, no one could understand and all would succumb.

Let yourselves be drawn into my mysteries. With your natural eyes, you can see only evil, constantly spreading and devouring, changing whole nations in just a short time. Where peace had reigned, there is discord, strife and endless civil war. These are the mysteries of evil, a burning lava destroying everything in its path.

Centuries ago, from the heavenly Father’s heart, came forth all of creation. Two thousand years ago, again from the Father’s heart, came forth His only begotten Son, Jesus. Now, I reveal the great mystery. A new stream has again come from the Father’s heart, awaiting for this moment. It is hidden in the most unlikely place, the heart of God’s mother. I am ready to pour out these mysteries, these powers which alone can turn back the lava of destruction.

I have raised up Pope Francis to prepare the way. Even he does not realize the role that I will have him play. So many important doors were closed to faith. So many hearts were shut tight. Many were unwilling to see truth or to consider God’s existence. They were far removed from the light of faith. I have sent Pope Francis to go after these strayed sheep, to reach out and embrace all in God’s mercy. So many are hearing his voice, that many others are forced to listen. He has become the most important figure on the world stage.

Rejoice in this wave of goodness. It prepares for my great gift which will quickly follow his papacy.

Comment: Our Lady rejoices in the work of Pope Francis. She knows the role he must fulfill in God’s plan.

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