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Pay Attention to the Stirrings of your Heart

Sunday, October 28, 2012


These gifts are already being given to my special servants so they can write and describe them. When you read of these new blessings, do not doubt. They are real. Also, do not say, “There are just for some” because this is what is new. What used to be just for some is now for all. Before, the special souls were enlightened and taught to seek these favors. Now, I come for all. I want to manifest myself to all the world. This is already taking place in your own heart. Pay attention to the stirrings of your heart and you will agree with all that I am teaching you.


How can man overcome these divisions which are everywhere? Husbands are divided against wives and wives against husbands. Parents are divided against children and children against parents. The same pattern holds true everywhere. Nation is against nation and peoples against peoples. The world is filled with little groups and all are fighting for their rights.

At the core of all man’s problems is the reality of division, a division which happened in the beginning when mankind, by its own choice, became divided against God. O mankind, do not try to heal your own divisions because you yourself are the cause of these divisions. Repent and turn to God. When this first division is healed, all the others will be removed. In my Son, Jesus, all are one – Jew and Gentile, man and woman.

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