Our Lady’s Many Revelations (Easter Sunday)
Sunday, April 05, 2015
Of all women on earth, I alone brought forth the Savior of the world. In that great mystery, I was plunged with him into the center of human history. I stood at the cross and accepted His body when taken down. I watched the stone close the tomb and then departed in sorrow.
Then came His day of rising from the dead and the many appearances to the disciples, which brought such joy. This great mystery of salvation was revealed and then preached to all the world. The darkness was cast out and finally, the light was put upon the great lampstand of the Church.
From the beginning, I was with Jesus in all His ways. By my Assumption, I am uniquely one with Him in His resurrection.
My heart is plunged into all of human history, rejoicing in the victories and sorrowing in the losses. How I have waited to reveal my heart. I am quiet no more. All is pouring forth in these daily words. Do not be astonished that I speak so fully and openly. I have stored up these thoughts and feelings for centuries, waiting for this hour to reveal them all.
I have used many means, many places and many messengers. I have appeared to some and spoken to others. Do not be surprised by the multiplicity, for there are so many hearts to touch and so many places which must hear.
Now, I use these little locutions, not to dominate but to highlight all my other messages and to explain their multiplicity. At the center, are the Fatima apparitions, all the others led up to those special visions. Medjugorje is in the same stream and keeping alive that gift by the daily appearances. Kibeho is special to me, because I so love the African people. Akita has its own unique gift.
All are part of a pattern. All fit together. They are my words, spoken at different times and in different places but all coming from the same, motherly heart. Listen to them. Study them. Each has its own blessing.
Comment: This century has witnessed a multiplicity of Marian apparitions. All are part of Our Lady’s plan.
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