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Our Lady’s Hidden Actions

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I speak, I act. I lead those who would do my will. I enter into every conversation. I touch every heart in the world. I act everywhere and every moment. Yet, man remains free and this freedom is greatly limited by the darkness of his own selfishness and of his culture.

Violent forces have now been released, flowing from one heart to another. Tremendous pressures exist. Man is free but he is not free. He is pulled and forced to go along. He is intimidated.

He is not shown all of his options. He is hurried and harassed. Event follows event, cleverly leading him to countless decisions that allow no turning back.

I see a mankind subjected to powers that want his destruction, that cleverly force him to choose their path. If he hesitates at all, new pressures are brought upon him. I watch this happen in one place after another. I see this same pattern in every area of man’s life. The stranglehold is pulled tighter and tighter.

It is no longer a matter of mankind needing to respond to God’s grace because mankind has been robbed of his freedom. Can a family live at peace when war is all around them? Can a person walk in light when all is midnight? Mankind has passed the point of no return. Mankind cannot save itself. Too many evil forces have been released. They are now imbedded in human life.

Some are seen. Others, especially the most powerful, are still hidden. They have not yet come on the scene. They lie in wait, looking for the appropriate moment. This moment is different from any other moment in human history, filled with unimaginable and uncontrollable evils.

I wait, yet I refuse to wait. Oh, I must wait until the Holy Father acts, but until then, I will act. First, I must breathe upon the whole Catholic Church (whose teachings exalt me) and call forth fresh devotions to my Immaculate Heart. I must stir the bishops. They have a role in the Consecration of Russia. They must raise their voices and speak out. Finally, I will continue to prepare those who will actually make the Consecration.

In the middle of all the evils, in the face of all the delays, no one should lose heart. I am actually bringing about what I have asked to be done.

Comment: This locution reveals the whole picture, a mankind plunging helplessly into darkness, the Consecration of Russia not yet made, but Our Lady, always filled with hope, promising that she is actively preparing for that day.

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