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Our Lady Speaks to the Nations

Saturday, April 09, 2011


To the Church in the Middle East

How dark it is for my Church in the Middle East. Satan is uprooting the Church that has been planted for centuries, but I will place a new vineyard there.

The strife will continue and believers will be caught in the crossfire of constant turmoil.

The Church will be severely damaged. I will weep and I will wait for my son, the pope, to come and place a new vine in the old vineyard. Many will see it as small, but it will be young and vibrant, freed from the past divisions, a new Church, a free Church, an Israel Church, planted in the right soil.

Comment: The first part is already happening. The number of Christians in the Middle East decreases dramatically due to war. The second part is consoling. A new Church will come forth.

The following locutions speak to countries and continents, revealing Our Lady’s thoughts and desires, always giving directions that can be followed.

The time is short. Soon the events will begin. At first, they will seem small and isolated, but then, like a match touched to a forest, the conflagration will spread. How can this happen? Are not the walls put up, the pacts signed and the treaties made? What is wrong?

The sins of the past have not been removed by repentance.

To Europe

Setting Aside the Church

You have set aside the Church that presided over your birth. The papacy is no longer heeded.

You say, “We have no need for the Pope. We have created our own union”.

In the Ages of Faith, I blessed Europe because the Vicar of my Son provided a oneness. Nations turned to him in the disputes and went to him in their crises. Even when the popes were unworthy, his office was accorded a role in peacekeeping. Now you say to the Pope, “Speak only to the Church. You have no voice and no role in modern Europe. We are secular now.”

Europe’s Past Greatness

I still hold Europe in my heart. How many saints it has given me. How many missionaries it has sent forth, bringing the light of faith to Africa and to the Americas. All these came from the countries of Europe which were bathed in great faith. These missionaries went forth to save souls. How great were their sacrifices and their heroic deeds. They went in the name of my Son and of the Catholic Church, planting the cross on every soil. Theirs was a noble mission.

A Secular Union

O Europe, now your churches are empty and you brazenly proclaim, “We are a secular union”.

Yes, a secular union which will be overwhelmed by the religious Muslims. They will devour you, not with their weapons, but with their faith, their beliefs and their religious practices.

Turn back to me or your European Union will collapse like the paper building that it is. Do not say, “Our economies are flourishing. Our way of life is succeeding”. You have forgotten your Mother, the Church. Your union is like a little baby compared to my Church. How long have you existed? Not even a century. What is that compared with 2000 years?

Return to your mother. She awaits you. You need her wisdom. You need the spiritual life which flows from her womb and the nourishment that comes from her breasts. Your hearts are joined in money and in your economic system but not in the Catholic faith.

If you exalt my Pope, I will exalt you. If you listen to his wisdom, I will lead you along a path of survival. Otherwise, your destruction is near at hand because your union is a union of convenience, not of faith.

I ask you this. Would you die for one another? Would you shed your blood for your common faith, when you have no faith? Return now, while it is not too late. Fill the churches and I will drop down blessings from heaven and you will say, “The Age of Faith has begun again”.

Comment: Mary points out the obvious. Europe’s oneness came from their unity in the Catholic faith. The European Union rejects that source of unity and has adopted a secular model, making it vulnerable to the Muslim religion.

My messages are not judgments or condemnations. They are warnings, spoken from love. People must understand what is weak and about to collapse because not built on solid ground. So much more to say…

To America

I hold America in my heart. It is so special and formally dedicated to my Immaculate Conception. It is built upon religious principles which are now covered over. What has happened to America? It is awash in material goods that it cannot afford, drowning in a debt that it cannot pay and killing its young before they are born.

What has happened to the light set upon the mountain? To the city set on the hill? America’s foundations have been shaken. Slavery began the problem. Human beings were reduced to cattle.

Then, blood was shed in the Civil War. A seed of evil was sown and not recognized – the seed of violence, brother killing brother.

The Problems of America

A century later, a president was gunned down, the victim of a conspiracy that was covered over, and the seeds of lies were sown. America ceased to be the country of truth. Social institutions were bent to the will of the powerful. Truth was banished from the land and the institutions meant to uphold the truth were sold to the highest bidder.

Money. Money is your false god, America, and money will be your downfall. You will drown in the very money which you print so plentifully. It will not be worth what it says it is. It will become the laughing stock of the nations. The mighty dollar will be like a sick man who has no strength.

You are already sick. You must be carried by others, by the very people, to whom you do not want to pay allegiance. They do not at all share your Christian faith. What have you done, America? You have sold yourself like a prostitute to whomever will buy your notes of credit, selling the heritage which the heavenly Father gave you, a heritage that stretches from sea to shining sea.

It is not too late. Turn back. In your years of prosperity, you helped those who were destitute. In your years of good fortune, you brought back to life those nations who were broken. Never will I forget your generosity. But if you do not repent, I cannot restore you.

If I do not restore you, many will have nowhere else to turn.

Comment: Mary touches on America’s special call, on its present problem of over-spending.

America’s future still lies in the balance, yet to be written.

To China

To a land that does not know me and to a people who have not heard my name. You are mine and soon I will take you to my heart, not just individually, not one by one, but as a nation, all at once. I will take you into my arms and you will ask, Who is saving us? Who is setting us free? Who has suddenly loosened our bonds?

Yes, you are in bondage to the darkness of your religious teachings. These bring you no light even though gods are invoked and prayers are said. These fall upon deaf ears, said to gods made by human hands.

I will give you a new God, a true Lord, my Son, Jesus. He is already walking among you in great signs and wonders. He is preached and adored in house churches. However, your government fears him and tries to control him. He will break out of their grasp. It is already happening. What is sown will break forth. New life is already in your midst, but you know it not.

A day will come when you will renounce your other gods and embrace Jesus. On that day, I will break your chains, the chains that have bound your hearts like you used to bind your children’s feet. China will be free and the world’s largest nation will proclaim my Son as its Lord.

Comment: For decades now, Jesus has brought forth great signs and wonders in China, resulting in a multiplication of believers. These gather in house churches, which the government strongly resists. Mary says that China will come to Jesus, not just individually but as a nation.

To Russia

How gigantic you are, spread across two continents, encompassing various people and called a union of republics. A union you are not. You are splintered and fragmented, formerly held together by force and now united by political strategies. How I wish you were a people united in professing my Son. If his name were upon your lips, you would truly be one.

You beat down your people and tried to build an atheistic system on their backs. You took whatever was in your grasp, deceiving the West and making gains at the bargaining tables, destroying the rights of people who were not your own. This is your twentieth century legacy to the world.

Where are you headed now? What new fields do you want to plunder? What new alliances are you forming? Why are you consorting with people who do not love my Son and who do not proclaim his as Lord? They exalt a different prophet unknown to you and foreign to your religious tradition.

Turn back. Your flirtation with the Middle East will not gain your goals. What are you seeking? A new role? A new identity? A return to greatness? If you had been truly great I would not have humbled you by breaking your system. I indeed have humbled you but you did not repent.

You just sought another road. “I will return to my former greatness”, you say in your heart. “I will find new friends with whom to conspire. I will make new arrangements in the Muslim world. With these, I will rise to power again”. You fool! They are plotting your destruction, just as they are plotting the destruction of the West.

You are not one of them. They laugh at you. They play your game but they will not let you rule with them unless you become one with them in their religious beliefs.

Will you sell them your religious traditions as you have sold them your uranium? Will you sell your people, the way you barter your secrets? They will not be satisfied with your wealth.

They want your soul. Jesus, my Son, is the soul of the Russian people. Someday, they will be consecrated to me by my Pope. Then they will be mine and I will snatch them from your hands, from you who are so ready to sell them to a people who hate you.

Comment: Our Lady loves the Russian people and their deep religious traditions. These words are directed to the Russian leaders who embraced an atheistic Communist system in the twentieth century and are now selling arms, uranium and technology to Muslim countries.

To Latin America

To you who are poor, who gather your little rations from your tiny fields while the world enjoys its banquets. I have not forgotten you and you have not forgotten me. I am sown into your hearts through the missionaries I sent to you.

Your religious traditions (placed in your hearts centuries ago) are fading and wilting as the modern world enters by its powerful media and messages. The new replaces the old. The young leave for the city or for other countries. Noise invades your quiet and restlessness spreads through the land. Change is everywhere. All is unsettled. How widespread is this march of progress, a progress which is rooted in the expediency of the moment. What can I do for you, a people close to my heart?

I see the old and the new, what was and what will be. How can I guide you from a past, so deeply rooted in the Catholic Church, to your future? How can I help you, so the values of the past are not surrendered to gain the blessings of the future?

I give you the Rosary. The Rosary will link you to one another and will chain you to me. Yes, chain you to me with chains of love which will never be broken.

You will need these chains. Only your mother can help you to survive the years ahead. The shaking will begin with the prosperous nations but will be felt most in the poorer countries, with a poverty you have never seen. Do not follow false leaders who preach a secular progress without religious values.

Who still calls on me? What people still seek me? These I will bless and sustain. Do not walk away from me as others have done. I am your mother.

Comment: Mary confronts the problem that material progress can cause the loss of a religious tradition. She asks the people to say the Rosary. They will be chained to her when they suffer new economic hardships.

To Muslims

To all who proclaim Allah as your god and Mohammed as his prophet. You have set aside my Son as the light of the world and have put another in his place. He has used clever words and strict rules. He has laid burdens on your backs and told you that you are a holy people.

Yet, he himself cannot confer this holiness.

He tells you that you must work for holiness that you must pile up good deeds that are greater than your evil deeds. What a bondage he places you in! What fears he plays upon. Is this religion – to pile up good deeds? Is there not a loving Father who has sent his only begotten Son to redeem and to make holy? Has not your prophet blocked the springs of living water that flow from my Son’s side? Has he not turned you away from the gift of saving grace?

When will you learn? Salvation does not come from below, as you pile up goods, as if these could reach to the heavens. Salvation comes down from the Father of Grace. It descends upon mankind as a gift from above. It came through my womb which gave flesh and blood to the Eternal Son of God. All of this is yours, given as a gift and a grace offered to your freely.

Yet, you turn away from this gift to what you yourselves can earn by your good deeds. This is what your prophet has taught you. He has displaced the Son of God who pours out life freely and he tells you to work for your salvation. He removes the gift as if it had not been paid for and says, “You must pay again. Why pay again for what has already been bought by my Son’s blood? Why bring the coins of your good deeds, when the Father will give you salvation paid for by His only Son?

This is the mystery which your prophet has set aside and is now hidden from your sight. Why has this been done? Why has the gift been set aside? Because you would go to Jesus, my Son, instead of to Mohammed. By these words, I reveal what is waiting in my arms, your salvation.

Come quickly and I will give it to you. You know me well. I am Miriam of Nazareth.

Comment: Mary points out the basic failure of Mohammed. He has removed grace, the divine life freely gained by Jesus’ death and rising. He has reduced Jesus Christ to a prophet, lower than himself.

To Israel

Would I not speak to a people who gave me birth and nourished my faith – a people I have always loved. Yes, I will say it – people I have always loved. You are my people, not just the people of my heart but the people of my flesh and blood. You are my Son’s people, of the same flesh and blood.

You are a wandering people. First, you wandered in the desert and now you have wandered for centuries. Dispersed and not gathered together. United only by the word, the Torah, the teachings and prophets. Yet, these have kept you together and given you an identity.

“I am a Jew” you say, a member of a proud race, begun by Abraham and gathered together by Moses, united in the glory of King David, sent into exile, gathered again in Jerusalem, dispersed by the Romans and now present in every land, waiting and waiting for the Messiah.

Have you ever asked, “Has he already come? Who is this Jesus, whom so many proclaim as Lord?” Have you ever asked, “Were we mistaken? Did the forefathers kill the Son sent by the Father? Did they not kill the prophets before Him? Yet, today, you acclaim these prophets. Why do you not acclaim my Son?

No need to recall your history. Even more important, there is no need to allow these centuries to stand as an impregnable wall. Let us go back. Let us go back to the beginning. How did we get separated? How did we part our ways? How did those Jews who believed in Jesus get set aside?

Were their voices not heard? Were they not persecuted? Look at what Saul did before my Son appeared to him on the road to Damascus. Saul is my key witness. Study his life. Study his message. See him as one who persecuted the believers. Why did he change? Was he bribed? Was he forced to become a believer? Or, did he really see my Son? Did he encounter Jesus in the fullness of his resurrection? This is the question you must face.

You are a Jew. You will always be a Jew. I am a Jew. Paul is a Jew. Do not believe those who say that you cannot believe in my Son and remain a Jew. A believer remains a Jew, a Jew who has come to a fullness.

Comment: Mary’s words strike at the heart of the question. Did Jesus rise from the dead? Did Paul see the Risen Jesus? Cannot a believer remain a Jew?

To Africa

Africa, beautiful Africa. You have been ravaged by the colonial powers. Your sons and daughters have been sent to faraway lands and placed in inhuman servitude. I love you. You are mine.

A fresh wind blows across your land. A new fire of faith has been planted in your hearts. In so many places, that faith is flourishing, due to the sufferings and toils of so many.

I have come to you and visited you Kibeho. I am yours. I belong to you. I have embraced you and your many cultures.

The spirit of Kibeho will flow throughout your continent, not just the waters of Kibeho but its many seeds. They will be planted everywhere, North, South, East and West. There will be new Kibehos because I will continue to appear to those who call on me and obey me. So, listen to this word.

My Son will pour out the Holy Spirit with diverse tongues and powerful gifts. Do not be afraid of these new phenomena. They are part of my Church and were present from the very beginning.

Do not be afraid of this New Pentecost. Do not close your doors to these new fires. These fires are sweeping your continent and I do not want these fires to be all around you while your doors remain closed. Do not lose these moments which are important.

Learn about the new fires. Study and prepare to receive. Let the priests be first, so the people are guided correctly. Then let all the people seek the fire. All must be done in order, but the fire must not be quenched.

You will dedicate this new fire of the Spirit to my motherly guidance. I will not let you lose your way. Then, when you send your abundant missionaries to every land, they will not just bring the solid Catholic teachings, they will also bring the Pentecostal fires, which they have personally experienced. This will be your gift to the nations. The youngest in the faith will lead his older brothers.

Comment: Mary stresses two great sources of spiritual life, her personal appearances and the Pentecostal fires sweeping the continent. She wants the Church in Africa to be immersed in both of these streams.

To Ireland

To a land that I have separated from others so it can be totally mine. A land that I visited decades ago at Knock. A land which has walked with me for centuries.

I know the path that you have taken. You have followed another woman – Dame Prosperity. Now she has abandoned you and your house is in shambles. It is well that she has left you. You were drunk on her wine and corrupted by her lewdness.

“Where shall I go?” you ask. “Return to Knock”. There you will find the answers that I gave you long ago and we will begin again.

It will not be easy. Much has been destroyed and you have not yet recovered from the shocks of your indebtedness. But we cannot wait.

I promise I will send someone to lead you and I will send others to help him. I will raise up a new priesthood. It will rise from the ashes, bold, vibrant and true, serving others not itself, close to the people and not claiming its own privileges.

If you follow me, I will raise up a new Ireland. If you do not, I must abandon you to those who will continue to rape you and destroy you. There are so many forces of division while time is wasting. I will be waiting for you and we will begin again.

Comment: Mary speaks of the great religious centuries of Ireland, which has, in recent years, abandoned the Catholic Church and gone into deep indebtedness. She promises a new leader, a renewed priesthood and a new Ireland flowing from a religious stream of Knock.

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