Opposing A One World Government
Monday, April 21, 2014
I must begin again, always raising my voice to protest what is happening and to direct my children before it is too late. In some parts of the world, human freedoms do not exist.
They have already been stolen. In the West, these freedoms are supposedly guarded by constitutions and laws. However, all of these are endangered by the crises that have happened and, especially, those that will happen.
There is an inevitable march to a one world order, in a future that is not too distant. I must speak clearly because God formed nations, giving each a particular culture and a distinct geography. Each nation is meant to prosper and all are meant to help one another. Each people must be allowed to grow according to its own unique life. All governments must respect this individuality of each nation, fostering it and helping it to prosper.
Instead, people want to destroy these rights of nations and have them sacrificed for the sake of a new world order. This only plays into Satan’s hands, gathering all the nations into a false unity and directly opposing God’s plan. Why did God split the continents? Why did God create mountains? Why did he bring about various diverse languages? Because he wanted nations to evolve. The safety of the human race lies in its diversity.
When Jesus returns, he will gather the nations. Until then, any attempt to gather the nations into a one world order comes from Satan. It is a false gathering of the nations, a counterfeit, and must be totally opposed.
Comment: Mary outlines God’s plan so clearly that we can see the One World Order as a Satanic counterfeit.

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