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Open Your Eyes to Russia

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I open the doors to the future for all to see. Some do not want to see because they must change their lives. Others will not believe my words, thinking that they cannot be coming from the Mother of God. Yet, the words are true. They come because I love mankind and because the Father has asked me to be his Final Preacher. Should not the Final Preacher use the clearest words, so easy to understand? Should that preacher not talk about the problems of the world and how the Father wants to help the human race?

Let us begin again as I continue to open the door on the future, so mankind is alerted and repents, turning away from all that is destructive. Do not read these words from curiosity seeking to know what will happen in the future. Read them with a religious spirit. Ask “How can the messages help me? How can they bring me more faith and a persistent hope that will allow me to perdure? Let us begin.

The Evil Dismantled

By the grace of God, Alaska was purchased from Russia, otherwise that nation would have foothold in North America. A few decades ago, Russia’s influence was at a peak until I began to dismantle it.

The popes made numerous dedications and whenever a dedication was made, I showed my response by great blessings. Yet, my request for the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart to be made by the pope in union with all the world’s bishops has not been made. The evil has not been attacked as I directed, so it still resides in the heart of this country which is so expansive.

The Evil Returns

As a result, the evil has grown back; the Cold War confrontations are being resumed. More important, the evils behind the scenes are multiplying. All of this is clearly known by President Obama but is being hidden, as far as possible, from the American people. A foolish treaty has been signed that is useless and restricts America. Have not the American leaders learned by now? Treaties with Russia do not lead to peace. Evil lurks in the hearts of those leaders and treaties are just instruments of their evil designs.

Coming Back Into Prominence

Now, the stage is set. Russia is clawing its way back into prominence. The goals are clear, the same goals they have always had – to destroy other nations and to co-op other nations by circumstances so that they become a world power.

Of itself, Russia does not have the resources to dominate the world, but if they entrap other nations (as they did with the Iron Curtain), then they can lift themselves to prominence.

The New Tactics

The situation is new. An Iron Curtain will not work because there is too much communication.

But other systems can be used. There can be a different binding and tying together. What would connect nations? The answer is selfish interests that look to the destruction of other nations. Evil has a great power to unite. When evil interests are shared by nations that are looking to rise to power, then the bonds become very strong even though the nations themselves seem very different. This is what is happening behind the scenes. So, open your eyes to Russia.

Comment: On a few occasions, popes have made dedications and consecrations that have been followed by clear divine intervention. Now, Russia is involved in Iran’s search for atomic weapons. It has recently threatened military operations against the United States’ efforts to deploy a defense shield in Europe. Other Russian cooperation with evil will be reported.

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