On the Edge
Saturday, December 07, 2013
The events will unfold, but how will they come forth? Nothing is pre-determined. Man’s will remains free. Right now, the powers of evil unfold according to Satan’s plan which he conceived long ago. Nothing stands in his way. The field is clear. The voice and power of America are now being muted.
Only my great love stands between the frightful consequences of destruction and the future safety of the human race. Never has there been a moment like this. Never has the world tottered so precipitously on the edge.
Only my hand can steady world history and get the human race through this darkness. Therefore, I speak so very, very, clearly. I want the clarity of my words to be light piercing the darkness. As the darkness grows, follow my words. Believe my words. Obey my words.
Comment: God gives great freedom to the human will to choose and even to form historical events, but he always has his own means to intervene. Mary’s words are now his instrument.

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