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Oil For The Midnight Darkness

Tuesday, February 07, 2012


The long dark night is beginning to fall upon the world. It does not descend all at once but comes step by step. However, a moment comes when all agree that “It is night”. Look at the many troubles which have already descended. Would anyone dare to say, “We have passed the point of midnight, soon there will be the first rays of daylight?” All know that these problems have a long way to go until all their darkness is poured out.

What will happen at that midnight hour? The world will pick up its lamps but they will have no oil. My children, however, will have their lamps filled with the finest oil. The world will ask them for oil, but my children will refuse this request. It will be midnight, and the world will have no oil for their lamps. As a result, people will have no faith to sustain them, no hope that a loving God is at their side and no love to forget self and think of others. When midnight comes, it is too late to gain these virtues. They are personal qualities. Can a swimmer teach a non-swimmer at the moment that a ship sinks?

Go now and buy the oil of faith, hope and love. These powerful virtues are the only oil that will light your lamps in the midnight darkness.

Comment: Certainly, we are moving into darkness. Yet, every person can prepare by a deeper spirituality. Mary will help you. Do not delay. Go buy your oil.

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