Nuclear Arms and the Radical Muslims
Thursday, December 29, 2011
The various events come and go, but each one leaves its mark and prepares for the wave that follows. This is the course of human history which never stops. One era flows into another.
Each age hands over to the following age a different world than the one it received.
What will the current age hand over to those who will follow? Will it be a world destroyed by violence and subdued by terrorism? Will it be a world that cannot pay its debts and cannot control its spending? Will it be a world of moral darkness, where all the lights of Christian ideals have been extinguished?
The answers lie in the events which will decide the future of the world. Everything hangs in the balance. The stakes are high and no one knows what will happen. That is why I teach you.
Millions of people lie at the mercy of those few who hold in their hands the destructive power of nuclear war. This is the great question. Into whose hands will these destructive powers fall? Who will gain access to these nuclear arms? How will the power in the world shift when this happens? I say this before it happens. When nuclear arms fall into the hands of the radical Muslims they will not limit their frenzy nor will they act rationally. For decades, they have sought this unholy grail. They know where the weapons are and have plotted the means to attain them and no one is sounding the alarm, even though it is happening before your very eyes.
Once they have gained these treasures, where will they stop? With Israel? With Europe? With America? They want to control the world and they will use violence to gain their goal.
O Church, can I not awaken you? It is too late to speak to the nations. They give me no hearing. But you, O Church, whose mother I am, can I not expect you to listen? The nuclear peril is real. The destruction of millions is a distinct possibility. You have in your hands the light of Fatima. Let that light shine. Do not keep it hidden. All the world will be grateful for the destruction you have prevented. The Holy Father knows this is true.
Comment: The world is in great peril but if nuclear arms fall into the wrong hands, the peril becomes catastrophic.

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