New World Leaders
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Doubt and fears spread and many wonder what the future holds. They do not understand the great mysteries that I now reveal.
Certain people have given their hearts to evil. No one chooses evil directly. They choose a selfish good that includes some evil. Once they taste that good, they also accept the evil, which begins to claim their heart. Success after success accompanies their decisions and soon they accept total evil, the power of Satan. They do not understand his control because he has blinded them by their stunning success. They have risen to the top, occupy a powerful positions and are acclaimed by many. All the while, they strew evil everywhere, an evil wrapped in good paper.
Who can debate with them? Can they not point to all their successes? But these successes are built upon evil, just waiting for the moment of testing. They appear to be sound but they are built upon sand which the floods will quickly wash away.
These are the modern mysteries. During this century, Satan has raised up many false leaders, especially in the fields of economy and politics. They have made sinful, evil and destructive decisions, while building empires that gained their acclaim, false empires that carry within the seeds of their own destruction.
Now, the floods will begin to come and the structures will not stand. Let no one blame the heavenly Father. It is man, influenced by Satan, who has put all of this in place.
Is it too late? I have promised that the road to peace lies only in my Immaculate Heart. This road includes the economic and political areas. It extends to every aspect, especially the family. Let this message be preached. It is late. It is very late. This road to my peace is not the journey of one day and it is not a path of ease. However, if the whole Church commits itself completely to my Immaculate Heart, I will raise up world leaders formed by the Holy Spirit to take the world in a different direction. Nothing else will be sufficient to withstand the floods.
Comment: Our Lady requires a total consecration if she is to save the world through new leaders.
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