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Mother of Hope

Friday, March 07, 2014


I will speak of hope. I will begin afresh and begin anew to stir the hearts of those who believe in me. They see the darkness and they grow disheartened. They see the forces of evil sweeping the world as nation after nations is drawn into turmoil. They see the many dangers, for I have described them so clearly. They also know that I wait and wait. The picture is so clear to them.

I am the Mother of Hope. A mother is in the home. She is not associated with world events.

She rocks the cradle, changes the diapers and prepares the meals. Yet, how powerful is her influence! She is the heart of the home, the life blood which flows within her children.

She softens the hurts inflicted by the world and assures all her children that they can always turn to her in their sorrows. She never inflicts unnecessary pain and consoles all her children in their times of distress.

As the heavenly mother, I bring even greater blessings. These I freely distribute now. I need not wait, except for each person to ask and seek. These blessings I will begin to reveal.

Comment: Mary’s heart holds many gifts that are still unknown, like a fountain waiting to be poured forth.

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