Mary’s Road
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Do not turn back from the road of trust and full confidence in me. No other path to life exists and great are the forces that would lead you off this road.
First, there is the forbidden fruit of the world. To pick this, you must leave my road because nothing forbidden can be found on it.
Second, there are your personal sins. When you walk this road your sins become evident to you. This clarity is given to you so you can seek forgiveness. Then, you will rejoice in the goodness of this road.
Third, there are the fears concerning the future. What will this road demand of you? Really, it is the easiest road, devoid of problems caused by your selfishness. And, I am there to help you.
No Compromise
I cannot compromise this road. It is the narrow road that Jesus spoke about and invited his disciples to walk. I cannot change his road to accommodate your sins but I can remove your sins so you can walk this road.
This is where people turn back because they want their sins. They cling to their sins even though they cause so many problems.
To Sinners
I do not speak now to the saints and to the devout. I speak to those who are mired in sin, to those who do not see themselves as devout or practicing their religion. I speak to all who have abandoned the faith of your childhood. I even speak to those deeply mired in the most serious of sins. Yes, I speak to all of you.
You can walk my road. I want you on my road. Mine will be the joy of a mother who sees her child return home.
You might not yet feel at home in a Church but you can feel at home in my heart. I want you there. That is where we will begin!
Comment: Mary speaks to a definite group of people, those who know they have wandered off. She wants them back and will do everything to get them back to herself.

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