Mary’s Embrace
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
I try to hold the human race close to my heart but mankind acts like a rebellious child, always pulling away. “Where will you go, little one? Who else will free you from the current darkness that grows even more dangerous?”
Without my embrace, you will run straight into the waiting arms of the Evil One who already plots your destruction. The time is very serious. The forces of evil are already in place. Very few obstacles still block the release of destruction.
The Heavenly Father has made my Immaculate Heart the new Ark of the Covenant. O reader, you can enter my heart, even if mankind will not. Also, I will make provisions for people of good will. They, too, will have an opportunity to enter my heart.
Comment: To every reader of these locutions, Mary is right now giving you an individual invitation to the closest intimacy with her.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024