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Mary’s Advice

Monday, January 06, 2014


I have tried to speak of the events that are ahead. Many do not listen. This is a warning to all. They have no interest. Others listen but do not act. They are not doers of the word. When the events pour forth, it will be too late. I speak now so my children will be prepared. This is what you must do.

First, stay close to the Church because only the Church can offer to you all the helps that you need.

Second, stay close to confession. Do not abandon that sacrament which has the power to cleanse and purge you.

Third, say the Rosary. When you do, I will be with you. It is my special prayer.

Fourth, gather with others in small groups of prayer. You will encourage one another and offer each other protection. Does not the world tear down your faith? These groups will be a wall that isolates you from that influence.

Fifth, read my words, not only these locutions but all the words I have spoken at Fatima and Medjugorje. Study them slowly. Digest them and put them into practice.

Finally, always trust me. I never leave your side. I am always with you, not far away but close. My Joy, is to guide you as a mother leads her smallest child.

Comment: What Mary asks is easy to do. We must make the effort.

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Last Publish:  September 20, 2024

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