Mary is Always Seeking You
Friday, September 30, 2011
These words come like a little stream of life. They do not overwhelm but invite people to drink of their waters. They are a gentle invitation so even the most fearful will not be afraid to come and drink. Yes, I want all, saint and sinner, to come. Let us begin.
Always Inviting
In the beginning, I invite. To those who do not come to me, I continue to invite. What other words can I say? First, they must choose to be with me. This choice is very important. I cannot force myself upon them. Yet, I will never, never leave them. I will not go away. I will not withdraw. Even to the last moment, at the hour of their death, I will still be there, inviting them to come to me, asking and pleading that they would accept what I have to give – eternal life.
If they had heard my voice earlier, I could have given them greater blessings. They would have had time to receive. The seeds of life would have grown within them. But that is not important. There is still time for the important seed of eternal life.
This is what I want to say to everyone in the whole world. I am the Mother of God and I am your mother. My name is Mary and I conceived by the power of God’s Spirit. I have been chosen by God so he could enter this world by becoming flesh and dwelling among us. I was the woman chosen as God’s path to man. I am also the woman chosen as man’s path to God. That is why I will always be with you. I will always stay close.
Always Seeking
Wherever you go, even if you take the paths of sin, I will follow you. Even if years pass by and you never call on God, I will still be close to you. No matter what you do, what sins you commit, what refusals you make, I will be there. You can never go anywhere that I will not seek you out. This is called the Secret of Mary and it must be revealed.
I need only one thing from you. I need you to say the words, “Mary, help me”. Say them now. Say them from your heart. I am waiting to hear them. After that, all will change.
Comment: This is a great secret. Many think of themselves as abandoned by God (which is not true) but they are never abandoned by Mary.
For Study:
“The Secret of Mary” by St. Louis de Montfort
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024