Living in Truth
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The way of truth lies open for everyone. All can walk it, but man covers it over. He pretends that he does not see what should be evident. He wants to walk his own path, the directions that he chooses. He does not realize that truth is God’s invitation. Even if a person does not believe in God, they still understand truth and if a person would just walk the way of truth (which they understand) they will arrive at a personal God and Savior (whom right now they do not understand).
No one can say that they cannot find God. Let them live in truth and they will quickly come to him. That is where he awaits them. Even if they have never heard the gospel of my Son, they will come to know him in the truth of their lives. He will be there, although still hidden because they do not yet believe his story. If they continue in truth, they will begin to ask questions. These questions always lie deep in the human heart, not surfacing because too many other concerns are piled on top.
The Deeper Questions
But a person who seeks the truth begins to go deeper. He asks, “What is true? What is firm? Upon what foundation can I build my life? Does not everything shift? What I thought was important in my earlier years has disappeared from the scene. What I thought was important even last year, is no longer my goal. He grasps that all human life changes and he seeks what is lasting and true. The surface things can no longer hold his affections. He is restless within, but it is a good restlessness of searching for the truth.
O reader, if this describes you, then pick up the gospel stories. Read about my Son. He is the truth. In your searching, you have really been looking for him. Now you know where to look. You are thirsty and he is the living water. When you will drink of this water, you will not be disappointed.
Comment: Where does secular man begin his search for God? God has placed a desire for truth inside every heart. Begin there.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024