Lightening the Sentence
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Many more secrets lie at the depth of my heart and I will continue to speak until all come forth. Mankind must both know and be confronted with my sorrows and my hopes.
The world cannot just continue down this road. There must be a quick and total turning away from the darkness that entices mankind. How will this occur? The answer to this question causes me to weep so many tears. I am a mother who sees her child guilty and worth of punishment. Does such a mother just step aside and allow the chastisements? No, she pleads for a lighter sentence.
Mankind has a choice to accept the full chastisements merited by its decisions or to come to me, so the sentence is made lighter. This is the secret of my Immaculate Heart. The earlier mankind comes, the more I can do to lighten the sentence. O reader, come now. Others have not yet learned of these locutions.
Comment: “Coming to Mary” means that each day is filled with devotion to her. Today, lift up your thoughts often to your heavenly Mother.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024