Joseph’s Dilemma
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
On my return to Nazareth, there was the obvious problem. Joseph, who was puzzled by my sudden leaving, now could see that I had conceived a child. We did not speak about it. He just grew silent and withdrew from me. What else could I expect? He was a just man and, in his eyes, I had committed adultery. He, who had thought that I was the purest maiden in the whole world, now saw me as an adulteress and he was the only one who knew that the child was not his.
God’s Plan
I saw how God had arranged everything. He had waited for our betrothal and for all of Nazareth to know of our relationship. After that, we could have come together as husband and wife. That was a private decision. The couple was free to begin their married life whenever they chose. In the eyes of all at Nazareth, we had come together before I left and now I was three months pregnant. God had covered over the mystery and hidden if from all. Joseph, however, was in the middle.
We spoke little in those days and my silence only confirmed what he was thinking, that I was pregnant by another man. I could say nothing. Heaven had to reveal the mystery. My words would seem preposterous.
Waiting in Faith
So, I waited in faith, my first great trial. I realized the consequences. He could have me stoned or he could put me away quietly. I never doubted Joseph. I never thought for a moment that he would have me killed (and the Messiah with me). Joseph belonged to God, and now I saw why God had chosen him. Another man, less sensitive to the divine, would have acted in haste and in anger. Joseph moved slowly and in grace.
Joseph’s Decision
Then came the moment. I will never forget those words, “I have come to take you into my home. Let us begin our married life as we had agreed”. As yet, I did not know what had happened until he said to me, “I know the fullness of the mystery. What was conceived in you is from the Holy Spirit. We will call the child, “Jesus”, for he shall save his people from their sins.” This was from God. He had even revealed to Joseph the same name for the child that Gabriel had said.
He went on, “Mary, you are blessed among women. You are all pure and all holy, chosen by the Most High God to be his mother and all ages will call you blessed. I am the protector of the mystery, called by God to be seen as the father of Jesus, for he must come from the House of David. I will always be faithful to you, knowing that you have believed God’s word and conceived by his power. Now, let us begin to prepare for his birth like any other couple”.
The mystery was complete. By God’s hand, Joseph, also, was now enclosed in this wall of God’s plan and I could look forward to the day I would bring forth this child. O reader, wait upon God. Believe in his plans. Trust that he will arrange everything so you can fulfill his will. Everything will move toward that goal if you do not get in God’s way.
Comment: The full story of God revealing the mystery to Joseph is told in Matthew 1:18-25.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024