Marian Cross - Transparent Background

Jesus Understands His Identity

Monday, April 02, 2012


The moment came when Joseph passed from earthly life to heavenly life. His eyes had seen the Messiah. More than that, he had protected the mystery, keeping it hidden and protecting me. I felt his loss deeply, grieving as any wife would do. Yet, the human grief was marked with the greatest joy.

His death seemed like the normal human picture, a wife and a son at a deathbed, but Joseph died with God and the Mother of God at his death. Now, he is the patron saint of a holy death. So, begin now to pray to him, asking for your own holy death.

Alone Together at Nazareth

Now, Jesus and I were alone, locked together in the greatest mystery of heaven and earth. We spoke often of Israel and its purpose in God’s plan. We knew well the scriptures, the prophesies, especially the prophecy of Nathan to David, that his descendent would lead Israel. I remembered those words of the angel, spoken about Jesus, “The Lord God will give him the throne of David, his father, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever”.

We spoke often and I could see Jesus increasing in wisdom. He would come and ask me about certain Scripture texts, like “The Lord said to my Lord. Sit at my right hand and I will make you enemies your footstool”. I could see the mystery unfold before my very eyes. He would come and say to me, “Mother, many times I read the Scriptures and a voice inside me says, “That text is speaking about you, Jesus.” “That is God who speaks in your heart, Jesus. Listen to his voice.”

Mary Explains

Another time, he asked, “Mother, how was I conceived?” I told him the story, “Jesus, I had always consecrated my body and soul to God. This was a mystery that I did not understand. When Joseph asked me to marry him, I had to reveal this mystery, which Joseph accepted and we would live with both our hearts consecrated to virginity. Then an angel told me that I was to conceive. This confused me until the angel explained that the Holy Spirit would overshadow me and what would be born of me, would be the Son of God. That is you, Jesus.”

Jesus Responds

He listened. He thought. He was not shocked or overwhelmed. He merely said, “Now I understand”. “What do you understand, I asked?” This voice that always speaks within me. The voice calls me “Son” and I respond “Father”. He calls me “beloved son” and I call him “heavenly Father”. We are one, he with me and I with him. There seems to be no distance between us, as if we share the same nature and are one in our being. “The voice is true”, I answered. “Listen to it and be faithful. Do whatever it tells you. Act according to what it shows you”. He listened to my words and left, going as usual to the place of solitude and prayer where he was always attracted.

Comment: Mary reveals the great mystery of Jesus’ intellect coming to know his identity.

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