Israel and Iran
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Where do all these events lead? I must again speak of Israel, the forgotten nation in the Middle East conflicts. Satan has his eyes on Jerusalem. Jerusalem is his prize. There he was defeated and cast out. God’s blood still abides in that city and it has never lost its place in my heart.
The fires that ravage the Middle East are really aimed at Israel and its destruction. Satan has never lost sight of that goal. Other world leaders have set Israel aside and have jeopardized its existence. They have even signed treaties with Iran which has pledged to destroy Israel.
World leaders walk in such darkness that Satan easily plans his steps. They do not grasp what is of true value. So, I must speak. Israel sees itself abandoned. Its enemies are protected. Its friends are absorbed with other goals. It stands alone. Better than any other nation, Israel knows the dangers that imperil its existence. It sees that it cannot wait. Others will not act in its defense, so it will act on its own. It cannot allow the tide to continue to flow in. It cannot allow these events to take their course, because their course is the destruction of Israel.
In Israel’s eyes, everything is clear. Its enemies are strong and near. Its friends show no interest and are powerless to put out the Middle East fires. So, it must act in its own defense. It cannot allow a nuclear Iran.
Comment: Our Lady says that Israel will take whatever steps are needed to prevent Iran from getting nuclear arms.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024