Wednesday, March 19, 2014
All the events are culminating. The seeds of destruction, planted so carefully by Satan centuries ago, are coming to a full harvest. I will remove the veil that covers over his plan.
All the world sees the events. They are known to everyone – the destabilizing revolutions in northern Africa, the long-lasting revolt in Syria that has touched the neighboring counties, the ravaging of Iraq, the nuclear plans of Iran, the destabilizing of Afghanistan and now the invasion of the Crimea with more to follow.
In the middle of all these events lies Israel, seemingly small and unimportant. As far as the West is concerned, Israel is an appendage, an anomaly. It exists but its existence does not seem vital to the West. If it were suddenly gobbled up, it would mean no more than the Crimea. This is the great deception. Satan’s prize is to destroy Israel, that Holy Land where he suffered his great defeat and that city which still contains the redeeming Blood of Jesus.
Comment: Mary has spoken of the importance of Israel throughout these locutions.

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