Marian Cross - Transparent Background

Importance of Jerusalem

Sunday, December 09, 2012


I speak from a heart that is broken. The very places from which the great message of peace should go forth have become the places of greatest violence. All of this is to destroy the plan of the heavenly Father who wants peace to begin in Jerusalem. That is the sacred, the holy city, the city that I entered on an animal of peace.

No one sees this mystery, nor the great importance of Jerusalem. Someday, Jerusalem will be exalted. When Jerusalem is exalted and the nations come to Jerusalem, peace will reign throughout the world. In those days, the world will bow to Jerusalem saying, “The Lord of Lord was crucified here. The Sacred Blood was shed here. This is the true way of peace”. Mankind has lost its way because it has set aside my death. Let my crucified body be lifted up once more in men’s hearts and peace will come.


The plan of God comes forth so slowly. It takes so many tortuous roads because man does not perceive and is not ready to put into action. Yet, this plan cannot be set aside. Even as the human race hurtles down fruitless paths and careens out of control, the plan of God moves to fulfillment. His plan is for peace not bloodshed, for harmony, not contention. It must be God’s plan, established with all of its wisdom. Otherwise, peace will not remain.

The time is coming. All of the turmoil is like the pangs of birth. The tremors are the pains themselves. In all of the shedding of blood, something new will be brought forth.

It was not meant to be this way. The pangs of childbirth were not part of the original creation. Peace could have come so much more quickly if mankind had only accepted my Son, Jesus. That is the ultimate goal, that all the world will proclaim Jesus as the Lord. This will take place first in Jerusalem. From Jerusalem will go forth the saving word to all the nations.

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