I Will Walk With God
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
There is a certain road that the world must walk. By these messages, I will lead. All must follow. Do not swerve to the left or the right, because the road is narrow. I am speaking about the road of life – found by few and walked by even fewer. Now, all can find the road because I will reveal it. All can walk this road because I will walk with you as your mother.
Many will say, “This is impossible. Mankind is too selfish”. But, I say, “Come, let us believe. Let us trust that mankind can change, that men will respond to the light”.
Why will they respond now, when they have not responded before? Because my light is new. It is different. It is not a blinding light that causes men to fear. It is an attractive light that invites them, like a mother inviting her child to take his first steps. Are not a child’s first steps followed by a lifetime of walking? If only I can get mankind to take these first steps, soon they will delight in this new power that they have. “I can walk with God” they will say. “Why did I reject him?” Why did I set God aside?”
These will be the feelings inside the human person. Who does not want to walk with God? This is the greatest call of the human heart. “I will walk with God” is the greatest decision of mankind. This is my goal. Do you see how gigantic it is? I want all of mankind to proclaim “I will walk with God”. I want every heart to make that decision, ‘I will walk with God”. My voice goes out to the whole world. I am your heavenly mother. Your earthly mother invited you to walk. I will invite you to walk with God. Let my voice reach your ears. You are walking away. You are walking to your destruction, but it need not be so. My voice will grow louder.
My words will be more appealing. If you continue to listen, you will come to a moment when you will say. “I can walk with God. I will talk with God”. Do you not hear my voice right now? Why not say those words, “I will walk with God”. Walk with God and soon you will be accompanied by others – your friends, your family. They, too, will walk with God.
Comment: Mary has gigantic hopes. She believes there can be a total conversion of all mankind.
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