I Will Speak of Pain
Tuesday, November 05, 2013
No one knows the pain in my heart when a soul goes to hell. No one knows my sorrow when an unborn child is not allowed to live. No one knows my sufferings when Satan’s kingdom claims the hearts of evil persons and uses them as his instruments of destruction. All of this is a great mystery of which I will speak. In the days that follow, I will reveal these secrets.
You will know the depths of my heart. I will speak of pain, pain, pain. This is my pain, explained to you so you can see the world as I see it. These are a mother’s sorrows, a mother who gave birth to all the world at the foot of the cross, a mother who gained, in union with Jesus, the salvation of everyone in the world.
I am the Mother of Life, holding in my hands every gift of life, human and divine. That is my sorrow. I still hold these gifts because so many have chosen not to receive them.
What is the sorrow of a mother who wants to give life to her child and sees the child walk away, doomed forever to death? Is there any sorrow like unto my sorrow?
Comment: Visionaries speak often of the sorrows they see in Mary’s countenance. Now, Mary will speak here of her sorrows.
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