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Human History and the Holy Spirit

Monday, May 11, 2015


Every gift flows out to mankind from the inner life of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If these gifts were ever to cease, all of creation would end immediately. First of all, from this inner life, came creation. Then, the Word of God came forth, conceived in my womb and born at Bethlehem. Then, as the beginning of the Final Age, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles.

Has everything been given? Can God bring forth nothing new? Quite the opposite. Once the Spirit was given, the door to all that is new was permanently opened. The Spirit who spoke from time to time to the Old Testament prophets, and from time to time stirred the kings of Israel to action, came and abided upon the world.

His new presence was quickly perceived as the apostles praised God in new tongues, preached fearlessly and worked miracles in Jesus’ name. Such was the new life flowing out to all who were baptized. These were proofs of the new abiding presence of the Holy Spirit upon creation.

The Spirit now abides in history to bring forth the new and to renew the face of the earth. He is the Father’s gift to preserve the Church until the end of time. He is, especially, the permanent presence of the Father and Jesus, inserted forever into human history. These are the mysteries which I must explain because no one understands.

Human history can never be totally lost because Jesus has buried the Holy Spirit in the heart of history. His power goes forth every moment. The Holy Spirit is the Father’s promise that human history will never, never be destroyed by human hands. It will exist until Jesus comes again. However, a gigantic question looms. How is the power of the Holy Spirit released into human history? This I will explain.

Comment: Out Lady provides a unique teaching on the Holy Spirit’s role in history.

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