How to Survive
Thursday, August 04, 2011
When the time comes, it will be too late to prepare. Those who have called on my name will know what to do to survive. Their hearts will tell them and I will guide them. Those who are selfish will act selfishly. They will condemn themselves because they will see all their past efforts destroyed in one moment. They will have nothing to live for. They will make efforts to control the situation, but their efforts will be in vain and they have never learned how to live in faith.
This is my teaching, how to live in faith. People with few resources will survive because of a deep rooted faith. People with more resources will not, because they cannot find any faith in their hearts. This is why I grieve. A time is coming when men will need great faith to survive, yet faith has grown cold. Let me explain.
When there is prosperity, many set aside their faith. They do not need God’s help. Their own power secures their needs. Their eyes turn away from heaven because they see all the goods of earth. Two things result from prosperity. The person no longer looks to God and the person gives their heart to earthly goods. Faith is lost.
Then, however, comes the divine chastisement. This is the only option which mankind leaves to God. They have rejected every other path. (That is why I am speaking so clearly, so that mankind accepts this last opportunity offered by the merciful Father.)
In the chastisement, the earthly kingdoms fall. Terrible jolts come upon society. In the beginning, no one notices. However, as the jolts continue, all begin to see that their society, which provided all these goods, is collapsing. For a person without faith, this is all they have. They have nothing and do not know how to turn to God for their security. They are lost and each day is worse than the last one. They stumble in an insurmountable darkness.
For them, everything is destroyed. They cannot go on. Indeed, many choose not to go on. They destroy themselves.
I speak to you, secular man. Look into your heart. You will find no faith. You have no relationship to God that will sustain you in the difficulties that lie ahead. I will teach you a prayer. Say it often and I will come to you and you will see a flower of faith growing in your heart. This is the prayer, “O Mary, when I am alone, I realize I am empty. I believe this feeling is my search for faith. O Mary, plant the seed of faith in my heart and I will let it grow.
Comment: Mary wants the secular person to receive faith so they can survive the darkness.

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