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Heaven’s New Snowfall

Saturday, January 24, 2015


My blessings are like snow falling on the ground, covering every part with a heavenly beauty. Snow is a two-fold image – of heaven, because it falls from the sky and of blessings, because it covers everything in a strange beauty, pleasing to the eye. No one can command the snow. No one cay say to the snow “Come” and no one can command, “Stop”. All is beyond man’s powers, even his most sophisticated inventions.

So it will be when I raise up my priest son to whom I have given the Fatima gift. No power in heaven or earth will stop the blessings. No one will be able to cover them over. Just as everyone sees the snow falling, so all will see the heavenly blessings of Fatima.

Thousands witnessed the sun dancing in the sky, but millions will see the new snow of Fatima falling. That is why the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart must be public, known to all the world and to the Church.

Let it be made with the greatest of faith, by everyone. All must believe. All must be taught the promises. The whole Church, with one mind and heart, filled with the greatest hope in the midst of the great darkness, must turn to heaven. After that, the snow will begin to fall and new hope will begin to live in people’s hearts.

Comment: Our Lady uses many images – fire, water, light, darkness. However, this is the first time she has likened her actions to falling snow.

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