Heaven’s Help
Friday, June 01, 2012
Not everyone understands the world of heaven, so I must explain. Heaven is filled with created beings called angels and saints. Like yourselves, they enjoyed free will and freely chose to be in heaven. Now they see all the people on earth and they want you to make the same decision. They are always praying for you, especially those who knew you or even brought you into existence. Their relationship and friendship continue in heaven.
God’s Helpers
They help you in so many ways. They know your weaknesses and they ask God for his protection. They always pray that you find God’s will and do it. They never want you to sin. They always want you to repent. They have their greatest impact upon you when you pray to them, especially if you were close to them on earth.
I say all this to open up a treasury, the great riches of heaven. Anyone is free to take these riches. I would like to cite a very special example.
Devotion to A Holy Person
Think of someone who was both close to you in life and also close to God. These could even be more than one (like a set of parents). Think about this person every day. Ask them, to help you on your way to heaven. You will be surprised what happens within you. Sins will drop away. Devotion will emerge from within your heart. Even external blessings will fall in your lap. Continue to ask their help all the days of your life and, when you die, you will join them in heaven. That is all that the saints hope and pray for.
Comment: Mary provides a very effective way of allowing the saints to help us.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024