God’s Final Word
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
When a person leaves behind everything to enter the kingdom of God, he receives everything. By leaving all, he receives all, and by losing his life in this world, he gains life eternal. This is the mystery I will explain.
The Resurrection
God wants man to live forever. To do this, he offers man his kingdom, a world which includes eternal life. Man lives by a divine glory, the glory of my Son’s resurrection. The resurrection was God’s saving moment, when he poured forth his glory upon Jesus’ humanity. That humanity is now the source of God’s glory for all who believe.
Covering Over the Resurrection
Now, this resurrection is set aside. Satan can never erase that event. It is recorded in history. The disciples examined the empty tomb. The risen Jesus appeared to them and ate with them. These are the events which formed the Church. Never can they be erased. Its power will last until the end of time.
However, for a certain period of time in human history, Satan can cover over and hide the resurrection. He can have the world forget it and set it aside. That is what he is doing. He began with the two world wars, and now continues with the constant shaking of the world’s order.
Releasing the Power
However, this is what I say. He can never, never remove the power of the resurrection. It will remain in the center of human life, always able to be released in surprising ways. This is what will happen in the years ahead. Just when it seems that darkness has conquered the world and Satan’s victory seems inevitable, the power of the resurrection will burst forth. O you who believe, never despair. Your faith in my Son’s resurrection is not in vain. The resurrection is God’s final word and that power will not be destroyed. Wait for Jesus! He is coming!
Comment: No matter how great the darkness, God has already spoken the final word. Jesus has risen and that power will always remain in human history.

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