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God Must Intervene

Friday, April 04, 2014


The human person and human history are blessed when God comes first. This is the order of creation. When God is not given his rightful place, human life unravels and mankind falls into many unforeseen dangers. God himself is the very core of human life. When he is rejected, nothing fits together. All is subjected to destructive forces that inevitably bring about confusion and decay. At each of these moments, God must intervene to correct human life and restore balance.

This is what I have been describing so clearly. Because God no longer comes first, destructive forces have torn apart human life, which is constantly more vulnerable to even greater evils. Evil upon evil. Destruction and violence. Do you not see this every day?

However, I do not come to emphasize what you know, but to speak of what is hidden. As always, God wishes to intervene, to gather mankind, and to bring order out of chaos. Was this not his original intention in creation? When his creation was ruined by sin, did he not promise a Woman whom he would use to intervene? The Woman is ready. When she is invoked and when Russia is consecrated to her heart, order will begin to return to creation.

Comment: Without God, creation inevitably returns to chaos.

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