Final Moments
Monday, September 03, 2012
A moment came when all the preliminary work of teaching and forming my disciples had been completed. I gathered them together on the Mount of Olivet. I allowed all to see me for this final time. I was lifted up to heaven, body and soul, before their very eyes. This final vision sealed their faith. They knew what to do. They had to return to Jerusalem and await the coming of the Holy Spirit. All was ready for the Final Age, for the coming of the Spirit who will prepare the world for my Second Coming in glory.
You must listen to the Spirit! You must invoke that Spirit. You must be baptized in that Spirit. You must allow that Spirit to lead you to me. No one enters into the kingdom of God without that Spirit. He is my first gift to all who believe. He places a prayer, deep in your hearts, “Come, Lord Jesus”. Amen.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024