Face to Face With Hell
Monday, September 22, 2014
Before leading to the important conclusions, I must take you face to face with this kingdom of hell, for it is truly a kingdom, with a hierarchy and members, tightly knit and under the leadership of Satan, whose name as an angel was Lucifer, the bearer of light.
I must open your eyes and you must see. There can be no mistake, no claiming that the kingdom of hell is just a name for impersonal evils that inevitably happen in human events. No, the kingdom of hell is persons. Fallen angels are persons, with intellect and free will. They have used their free will to reject light and to choose darkness, to reject love and choose hatred, to reject service and choose pride. They are bound to each other by their “No” to Jesus Christ and to his kingdom of light. They contain every possible evil and seek only to pour it forth upon mankind of whom they are extremely jealous because human persons have a chance to replace them on their heavenly thrones.
This kingdom of total darkness and complete evil constantly breaks forth into human history, destroying the good and promoting destruction. This kingdom is intelligent and powerful, always keeping itself hidden unless it serves their purpose to be known and seen.
Unaware of this intelligent powerful, evil, destructive and well organized kingdom, human beings cooperate with it, find some aspects attractive, dabble in its powers and open their hearts to becoming a member.
All of this, I will explain further.
Comment: Our Lady tries to warn us of the enemy who wants to destroy us.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024