Evil on the World Stage
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
So great was the evil in men’s hearts and so deep was their ignorance of God’s law that the heavenly Father revealed his commandments. Yet, even these were not enough because man was powerless and unable to keep these laws.
So, in the fullness of time, God sent his only begotten Son, Jesus, whom I conceived in my womb by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus, dwells the fullness of God’s help. Evil cannot exist in his presence. In Jesus, all is purified.
This is the mystery, revealed in the gospel. Without Jesus, man cannot overcome the evil that grows and grows within. He is helpless in the face of these forces which claim everyone’s heart.
These forces will shape the history of the world and lead mankind to the greatest means of destruction. These evils will twist everything. They will cover over God’s laws. They will subvert everything good. They will manipulate the political system. From these evil forces come forth lies, deceptions, untruths. Without Jesus, the whole world returns to chaos.
Can I be any clearer? Can I speak more boldly? In this modern world, these evils have greater outlets, weapons fashioned by man’s mind, weapons that should never have been invented and never allowed to spread. Now I weep. I see exactly where mankind is, perched at the edge of the precipice with the forces of evil ready to push him over.
Comment: Mary shows that the evil forces inside each person affect world history and the events that all of us experience.
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