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Eternal Light

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Man must put away senseless and useless things and come into full wisdom. There is so much striving for what passes away, and so little thought given to eternal life. Eternal life is the fullness of divine light, so I will describe it fully.

Life on earth always ends in mortal death. The body’s task is over. The soul which God created when the body was conceived now lives a separate existence. It is no longer united with the body, although on the resurrection at the last day, the soul will be reunited with its body.

The Created Human Person

The soul was created by God and is made for God. (This soul is the human person). So, at the moment of death, when the body is no longer a fit receptacle, the soul returns to the God who created it.

Sealed By Its Choices

However, much has happened in those intervening years, from the moment of conception to death. The person has lived on earth, has been intertwined with many forces of good and evil, has made choices, has committed sins and, sometimes, has sought forgiveness. Obviously, the soul is much different, formed by years of choices and experiences.

That is why I speak. The soul is made for divine light and during these many years, had the opportunities to choose light and to live in light. However, if it has chosen darkness, then the moment of death seals those decisions forever and ever. That is why I say that man searches after the passing things and does not seek the eternal gifts of light for which his soul was created. I will continue my teaching on this path of light. I am the mother of light and I have no children of darkness. Many are in darkness right now and they must become children of light before it is too late. Always, the choices are urgent. Do not forget your prayer, “Mary, make me a child of light”.

Comment: There is always a choice and always an urgency. You become a child of light only as you choose to accept Mary’s light.

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