Do Not Fear
Sunday, March 02, 2014
“Do not fear.” The angel spoke these words to me, and I experienced heaven’s power in my heart. All grew calm and I could listen attentively to the angel’s message. When the angel had explained the great mystery of becoming God’s mother, I was able to say, “Let it be done to me according to your word”.
Suffering and fear are hell’s tools, always doing Satan’s works. Heaven sends only consolations and peace, the stillness needed to overcome.
I ask, “Is this a time of peace? Does the gift of peace continually spread, going from one nation to another? Or, is it a time of war, a time of invasions?” O mankind, you have set out on your own path. You have chartered what you think is your course, but it is not your road. It is Satan’s road that you are on and there is no peace.
I stand by the wayside, calling out to all, “Come this way. Follow my path”. A few hear. My voice is clear to them. They forsake the world’s path and find peace.
A moment will come when I will no longer stand by the wayside with a quiet voice. I will openly enter human history. I will raise my voice as the Woman Clothed With the Sun. I will confront the Evil One. At that moment, all of humanity will be free to choose.
Comment: All can see the expanding conflicts and man’s helplessness. We must believe Mary’s promise.

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