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Destruction Need Not Happen

Friday, May 03, 2013


I speak from a mother’s heart that is broken from sadness. A deterioration of earth is taking place which leads to tragedies of many kinds, but especially to a great loss of souls.

Tragedies do not lead to faith. The heavenly Father allows them only to avoid greater tragedies, just as a doctor amputates a leg to save a life.

My heart is broken because I am trying to help, but few listen. I speak of devotions but these are set aside. I ask for public displays of love but these do not happen. People question the visions and the promises and see no reason to respond as I ask. So, I will explain.

Every moment, the power of sin corrupts human life. This eventually leads to tragedies and, after a longer period, to great problems and even to wide scale destruction. All of these are so evident in the modern world. The corruption, the tragedies, the problems and the wide scale destruction rip apart the fabric of society. As this happens, faith in God is destroyed and many souls are lost for all eternity.

In all of my apparitions, I have spoken of these problems and given clear directions. If people listened and called on my name (especially in a public way), I would remedy these problems. People would see that I had acted. They would regain their faith and save their souls. Can I speak any more clearly than this? I sorrow because the destruction of earth need not happen.

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